Nitrile Glove Thickness, Why it Matters

Did you know that the oldest existing pair of gloves is more than 3000 years old?

Gloves have come a long way since Egyptian King Tutankhamun! They are an essential piece of equipment across many industries.

In the last two years, in particular, there’s been a huge focus on glove thickness.

Suppliers struggled to keep up with demand during the pandemic. So many nitrile gloves were manufactured thinner than usual. This meant that more could be produced, and more medical staff had access to PPE.

Now that demand has returned to normal, the question remains whether nitrile glove thickness matters. If so many people managed just fine with thinner gloves, should that become the new normal?

To answer this question, we’re going to examine the advantages of glove thickness. Then, depending on your industry, you can decide whether they are or are not necessary for your business. Read on to help you decide whether you should invest in thick nitrile gloves.

Nitrile Glove Thickness Options

Nitrile glove thickness is measured in mils. This is a thousandth of an inch.

A thin glove is 1-3 mil thick. These are most commonly used by professions that don’t come into contact with hazardous materials. They are also a popular choice in industries that have to change their gloves frequently, as they’re cheaper to buy.

A thick glove is 4 mil and above. Some gloves even reach thicknesses of 15 mil or more! But the most common thickness is between 4-6 mil.

With such a wide range in thickness, thick nitrile gloves can be used across dozens of industries. Below are some of the advantages of thicker gloves that 1-3 mil gloves don’t offer.

What You Get With a Thicker Nitrile Glove

Thicker gloves have many advantages, including:

  • Increased durability
  • Chemical resistance
  • Protection from viruses and bacteria
  • Better grip

Here is how each of these categories benefits the wearers.

Increased Durability

More durable gloves last longer and offer better protection. Resistance against tears and punctures protects users from the materials they’re working with.

As they last longer without damage, they also become more affordable. While they cost more individually, they last long enough that they’re a better investment.

Chemical Resistance

Thinner gloves are not strong enough to withstand exposure to many chemicals. Instead, chemicals can wear them down. Users end up exposed to the chemicals, which defeats the point of wearing gloves!

Protection from Viruses and Bacteria

Particularly in the healthcare industry, protection against communicable diseases is essential. This protects each medical professional as well as their patients.

Thin nitrile gloves can’t offer this type of protection to the same degree that thicker ones can. Therefore, using thin gloves becomes all but pointless.

Better Grip

Many think that thinner gloves are easier to use because you can feel more through the gloves. They think that thinness translates to a more tactile experience and easier use.

In reality, thicker gloves offer a better experience. That’s because they offer a stronger grip.

Having more material to work with allows the gloves to be designed to have a textured grip. This textured design covers the fingertips, fingers, and palms, for maximum grip. As opposed to the smooth surface of thinner gloves, thick gloves are designed to have a grip as good as your bare hands.

Glove Thickness for Various Industries

What do these advantages look like in practice? Here are a few examples of how specific industries benefit from thicker gloves.


Workers in the automotive industry require protection both from chemicals and tears. Thicker, oil-resistant nitrile gloves ensure that oil-based substances glide right off. They also protect wearers from corrosive chemicals they may come into contact with.

Besides that, the gloves are durable enough to withstand the constant handling of metal. A thinner glove may tear, which wastes your time and can be dangerous. But thicker gloves can last all day long despite the handling of rough surfaces.


Similar advantages make thick gloves the best choice for a manufacturing business. Thick gloves are durable enough to work with machinery all day long without tearing.


Tattoo artists may not seem the most obvious profession that needs thick gloves. But constant contact with clients’ skin can be dangerous.

A thicker glove ensures that the wearer is protected from any diseases on their clients’ skin they may come into contact with. And it protects their hands from any accidental but dangerous nicks from a needle or other tools.

Healthcare & Dental

This need is amplified in the healthcare industry. Healthcare and dental workers need constant protection from their patients. This applies to communicable diseases and bodily fluids in general.

The design of thick gloves keeps staff and patients safe from biological hazards. And their durability despite handling sharp tools ensures this protection isn’t compromised.


Beauty workers need reliable protection from their own products. Substances like hair bleach and acetone do lots of damage to the skin.

If workers are using thin gloves and they snag, they’ve lost all protection. Plus, any substances that were on the cheap gloves may now leak through and irritate the skin. Thick gloves allow beauticians to work with their products confidently all day long.


Thick gloves keep workers’ contact with food as clean as possible. They limit the chance of passing on bacteria.

It also protects workers’ hands from the hazards of raw meat and sharp objects. While they may not be knife-proof, they offer more protection than thin gloves can.

Nitrile Glove Thickness Matters!

As you can see, many of the benefits of a thicker glove come down to safety. Their durability, resistance to hazardous substances, and grippy design keep users safe. But only the best products offer all of these advantages.

LifeMedz gloves are of the highest quality, while still being touch screen compatible! That means you can wear them all day long with no hassle.

Browse our nitrile glove collection today. We have the perfect products for your business.

Still undecided? Get in touch with us, and we can discuss your needs to help you choose the right product for your business.

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Sterile vs. Non-Sterile Disposable Gloves
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