Double Gloving: Necessary Precaution or Excess Caution?

Double gloving can be essential for healthcare professionals and institutions striving to improve safety and infection control measures. While some may consider this an excessive safety practice, it offers several benefits that contribute to reducing the risk of transmission of infections and enhancing safety protection for healthcare workers and patients. Understanding the Benefits of Double […]

worker in lab coat putting on white latex gloves

GloveBarn’s 6.5g Latex Gloves GloveBarn’s 6.5g latex gloves offer a layer of protection from hazards and contaminants when working in industries such as food, medical, beauty, construction, etc. The high-quality latex material protects the skin from pollutants and infections. Our gloves are powder-free, eliminating any potential breathing issues, skin reactions, or leftover powder residue. They’re […]


Nitrile gloves have received approval for being one of the best options for those in the food service industry because of their durable, contaminate-free, and additive-free material. GloveBarn’s 5mil Nitrile Gloves are certified by both the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Choosing quality food-handling gloves for […]

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